Monday, December 31, 2007

Photographic Evidence...

Here are some photos Erin took while we were at Crossfit St Louis. I couldn't convince her to get up at 6:00am two vacation days in a row, so no pics from Des Peres...

Laurie Miller, owner,operator,certified badass.

Me, doing a Turkish Get-up. Not so badass.

Ring Dips are hard.

I'm a slacker...

Back from the dead, posting again...

Sorry for the lack of updates, imaginary readers. Things have been crazy busy with the new job and the holidays and blah blah blah excuses excuses...

SO... Here's what I've been up to:

"Angie" Absolutely killed me for a week after doing it, which just goes to show how rapidly you can become detrained and how easily you can hurt yourself thinking you're hardcore when you're not. This scared the living crap outta me, but I eased back a bit and I'm recovering a lot quicker nowadays.

Over the Christmas Holiday, I got the chance to go up to St Louis and drop in on CrossFit
St Louis and Crossfit Des Peres
and got in a couple of really good workouts.

The Crossfit St Louis workout (Saturday) was:

12 Days of Christmas Workout (CrossFit St. Louis Version:)

Complete the exercises in the order of the song. 1st day - bear crawl around the room, 2nd day - 2 Turkish Get-Ups and a Bear Crawl around the room, 3rd day - 3 Pull-ups, 2 TGU's and a bear crawl...

1 Bear Crawl around the Room
2 Turkish Get-ups
3 Pull-Ups
4 Knees to Elbows
5 Burpees
6 Windmills on each side
7 Ring Rows
8 Jumping Squats
9 Lunges – each leg
10 Kettlebell Swings
11 Rings Dips
12 Wall Ball

"Fastest Times have been around 40 minutes."

Took me like an hour. Hit major glycogen depletion at around 45 minutes. My sides were sore from the windmills. I really need to work those into my repitoire.

The Crossfit Des Peres workout (Sunday) was:

In honor of Joshua Whitaker, 23 years old, who was killed on May 15th.

3 Rounds for time
21 dumbbell snatches, 40 lb. right arm
21 L-pull ups
21 dumbbell snatches, 40 lb. left arm
21 L-pull ups

This one sucked from the first round to the last rep. This is an all-around hard ass workout. Joshie musta been a freakin monster.

I'm really glad I got the opportunity to meet and work out with the people at the two affiliates in St Louis. They're all a bunch of super friendly, very open and welcoming people, and all very very strong. Big, big thanks to Crossfit Des Peres and CrossFit St Louis. I look forward to dropping in on both every chance I get.

More later.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Did the Crossfit 'Angie' workout last night at Bowman Fitness.

100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats

Took WAY longer than it should have. Too much driking and bad food.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Job, New Gym (Linda Light)


Sorry for the lack of updates to the Blog (as if anyone's reading it.) I've started a new job in Little Rock and with goodbye lunches from my last job and welcome lunches from my new one, I haven't been in the gym like I know I oughta.


I'll be going to Bowman Fitness today, which will hopefully be my new home. As has become my custom when I join a new gym, I'm going to do a lighter Linda workout today:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds of:

  • 225lb Deadlift
  • 120lb Power Clean
  • 165lb Bench Press

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Wednesday - Simplefit (harder than you'd think)

Worked out with Erin at home Wednesday. She's started the simplefit program, which is a nice simple crossfit-type (functional, high intensity) program. I did:

5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats
AMRAP in 20 minutes.

I started out wearing a weighted vest, thinking I was tough, but I ended up having to get rid of it after about round 4. So yeah, Simplefit's hard.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

"Michael" Light

I got the chance to go down and work out with the Little Rock Crossfit guys today and we did a slightly modified version of "Michael," as the treadmills were limited and they don't have any GHD's.

it was:

Either jump rope, 200 singles.
Run 2 minutes @ 7.4mph (I just did the math and this actually works out to about 400m)
Then 50 Sit-ups
Then 50 Supermans (RX was back extensions)
3 rounds

I really gotta work on my jump rope.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

WOD: Doesn't seem so bad...

Row 500m
21 Pull-ups
21 Box Jumps @ 20' box.

Row 500m
15 Pull-ups
15 Box Jumps @ 20' box.

Row 500m
9 Pull-ups
9 Box Jumps @ 20' box.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

WOD: Linda got Breast Augmentation

This is becoming my favorite named workout, if for nothing other than the sheer brutality of it.

The Rx:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds of:
1.5 x bodyweight deadlift
1 x bodyweight bench press
.75 bodyweight clean

At 160 lbs, this works out to 240lbs for the DL, 160lbs for BP, and 120lbs for Clean. I'm going to go ahead and up the bench press to 185, so that all three lifts will be right at 75% of my 1rm. So I guess this is a big-chested Linda. yuck yuck.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Not sure if anyone even reads this or not, but I'm still posting.

I had some time to kill over the weekend and put together a playlist of the music that gets me all amped up in the gym. Some of it's kinda cheesy, but hey, screw you. If you have time to kill, you can go out to and set up your own playlists of music illegally posted to the internet without permission from the copyright holders.

Here's mine:

WOD: Retribution...

I've been eating and drinking like a crazy person since last Wednesday. It all started with a triple Whopper meal from Burger King for lunch Wednesday. Several rum and cokes and rediculously huge meals passed and it all ended with a hot dog on white bread with Stoby's Cheese dip, and a Starbuck's chocolate chunk coffee ice cream milk shake last night.

Because I hate myself now, I bought a 20lb weighted vest so I'll know what it feels like to be a fatty when I work out.

Today's WOD:

Wearing 20lb vest do:

Run .5mi
21 burpees
21 pull-ups
21 incline sit-ups

Run .5mi
15 burpees
15 pull-ups
15 incline sit-ups

Run .5mi
9 burpees
9 pull-ups
9 incline sit-ups

Run .5mi

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

New blog...

Stay tuned, bitches.