3 Rounds for time of:
- 75 Jump Rope Singles or Run 400m (.25mi)
- 5 push-ups
- 10 jumping pull-ups
- 5 push-ups
- 15 squats
- 5 push-ups
- 15 sit-ups
- 5 push-ups
Push-ups from the knees are permitted. Crunches are not.
Erin - 11:48 (jump rope.)
(ĭn'fĭ-dəl) n. 1. Offensive. An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion, especially Christianity or Islam. 2. One who has no religious beliefs. ***3. One who doubts or rejects a particular doctrine, system, or principle.*** (Note: Infidel Crossfit is a personal blog of myself and other like-minded CrossFitters. We are not a CrossFit affiliate.)
3 Rounds for time of:
Push-ups from the knees are permitted. Crunches are not.
Erin - 11:48 (jump rope.)
3 Rounds for time of:
Note: This was originally set up with a 500m row to start the round. Seth and I have talked it over and decided that the 400m run from the last effort is not an adequate sub for 500m row, so we're upping the run to 800m. Have fun, kids, and remember Gmap Pedometer for your run distance measuring needs. It's a great day to run outside!
Jason - 26:33 !!!
Shiloh - 19:07 - sub 250 jump rope singles for 800 M runs.
Seth - 26:40
Justin - 27:09
Jason just owned us, and with a pulled hamstring. He claims it's due to shallow squats guarding the hamstring, but squats were not where we spent our time. CONGRATULATIONS to Jason! He's come a long way in a very short time, and is a force to be reckoned with.
"Joshie" - 3 Rounds for Time |
40# DB Snatch x 21 reps - right arm |
21 L-Pull-Ups |
40# DB Snatch x 21 reps - left arm |
21 L-Pull-Ups |
"Muahahaha" as they say..
15-12-9 rep rounds of
"Christine " - 3 Rounds for time |
500 M row - Sub 50 reps SDLHP - 45# |
12 BW Deadlifts |
21 Box Jumps |
Today, we're taking on the Manmaker Challenge from Crossfit Des Peres. Here it is:
3 Rounds for Time
See THIS POST for more information.
(Note: We decided to scrap the penalties idea very quickly after beginning the workout last time, so disregard them.)
Seth - 16:20
Justin - 18:21
VAST improvement over last time.
So, for shits and giggles, we're gonna redo the workouts we did this week three months ago, beginning with this one from Seth's book of pain…
For Time
Seth: 22:48 (70lb DB swings.)
Justin: 28:02 (70lb DB swings, tuck jumps.)
Jason: 37:25 (75lb DB swings, tuck jumps, supermans, bar dips.)
10 Rounds 10,9,8…1 Rep rounds For Time: |
Body-weight Bench Press |
Goblet Squat - 2 pood KB or 70# DB |
Pull-Ups |
Box Jump - 36" |
Body-weight Deadlift |
Rough one. J
21-15-9 rep rounds for time of
21-15-9 Rep rounds for Time |
- Box Jumps |
- KB Swings - 35# |
- Lunges x each leg |
- Knees to Elbows |
Run 400M after each round. |
Taking the WOD from today's mainsite video and altering it to our needs. Today is:
10 Rounds for time of
Shiloh - 13:22
Justin - 16:30
Seth - 18:45
Jason - 20:06
Pull-ups, pull-ups, pull-ups, pull-ups, pull-ups. We love pull-ups.
Perform one round each minute on the minute, for 30 minutes of:
Justin and Seth - Got to about round 13 and couldn't keep up the round-a-minute pace. Seth and I ended up getting in 25 and 26 rounds, respectively, in 30 minutes.
Jason - 11 rounds as rx, 21 rounds total.
Shiloh - 30 rounds, some on-the-fly scaling to maintain rx pace. (see comments)
I'm not really sure why I like to combine exercises so much, maybe it's because I think it's cool to confuse the shit out of all the other gym patrons by doing wacky crap. Time for another complex!!
If you've never done TGU before, be careful. The transition from sitting to lying on the downward portion of the movement can lead to high speed dumbbell/face collision if not controlled carefully. If 45lbs is difficult to control, GO DOWN! More instruction on TGU can be found here here, here and here.
(Note: dropping the complex down to 35lbs for safety reasons. It's awful hard to safely stabilize 45lbs for the mills after doing snatches.)
justin - 33:15
Jason - 39:13
Shiloh - 27:49 (no windmills, see comments)