Tuesday, November 27, 2007

WOD: Linda got Breast Augmentation

This is becoming my favorite named workout, if for nothing other than the sheer brutality of it.

The Rx:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds of:
1.5 x bodyweight deadlift
1 x bodyweight bench press
.75 bodyweight clean

At 160 lbs, this works out to 240lbs for the DL, 160lbs for BP, and 120lbs for Clean. I'm going to go ahead and up the bench press to 185, so that all three lifts will be right at 75% of my 1rm. So I guess this is a big-chested Linda. yuck yuck.


Justin said...

This sucked 8 kinds of ass, but it was awesome. I made some rockin sweat angels in the floor of the gym afterwards, too.

SethHarder said...

How long would a busty Linda take? I pulled some lower back muscles attempting Linda a few months back.
At 200(+) lbs, that is
300# DL, 200# BP and #150 cleans. I have yet to attempt this lady again, and would likely have to scale weights considerably.