Sunday, December 30, 2012

Back in the garage...


For reasons of less time and money spent away from the wife and kids, I have officially broken up with CrossFit Remedy. "It's not you, it's me," as they say. They're an awesome group of people and they helped me get back into action, making up for much of the ground I lost over the last couple of years and breaking new ground in several places.

Ultimately, though, it's too hard to justify the outlay of cash every month and harder still to justify the 6+ hours a week it was taking me away from Erin and the boys. Strength and fitness should be a family affair and I own enough equipment to get it done without paying someone else's rent.

So here I am, back to the Infidel blog with my fellow handful of happy assholes. I'm headed back into the garage and back to training however the hell I feel like it. Y'all keep me honest and keep me motivated.

Today's workout:

Run 1 mile
21 reps of: HSPU, 135lb bench press, hand-release push-up
Run .5 mile
15 reps same
Run .25 mile
9 reps same


daily high bar back squat - 3 reps @ 135, 185, 205, 255, 285, 285, 285
push press 1 RM - 215 (10# PR!)

Saturday, December 29, 2012


work up to 1 heavy rep OHS - 205
work up to 1 heavy rep heaving snatch balance - 165 (boo)
3 position snatch work:
3 power snatch, 3 hang power snatch, 3 high hang squat snatch - 95, 115, 135
work up to 1 heavy snatch - 165 (fugly PORAWR snatch)


5 RFT:
3 155# thrusters
2 strict/deadhang muscle-ups
1 8" parallette HSPU

 ~8 minutes

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ho Ho Holy crap I need to get back on the wagon...

Confession: I've been too busy drinking and eating very not-paleo food the past week or so to post my workouts, which have been sparse, inconsistent and lousy... For the sake of record keeping, here's what I've been up to:

Friday:  Push Press 1RM
              AMRAP in 10 mins of:
              10 Ground To Overheads @ 95lbs
              10 Ring Dips

Sunday: Run 5k

Wed:      AMRAP in 15 mins of:
              5 bear complex @ 135lbs
              10 burpee-to-pull-up, high bar.

Justin - Fri: 185lbs, 6 rounds (coming down with a cold.)
            Sun: ~9:45 pace (hung over, plus cold.)
            Wed: 3 rounds + 5 bear complex (getting over cold, dealing with crap fuel in my tank.)

Fortunately, I have my Santa bag all full of empty wine bottles and excuses to dole out to anyone who asks.

Thursday, December 20, 2012



Yesterday at CrossFit Remedy:

1RM Power clean... then

15:00 AMRAP:
9 Deadlifts, 155 lbs
12 Push-ups
15 Box Jumps, 24 in

Justin: 215lb PC (+10lbs previous PR)
           7 rounds even

Dusting off cobwebs


It's time to start posting again and making the world aware of how badly the fitness level has fallen off in the years since this blog was active.

I did this one today:

AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
  • 4 Handstand Push-ups
  • 8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
  • 12 Deadlift - 135 lbs
  • 16 Box Jumps - 20" box
  • Seth - 6rds + 4 CTB Pull-ups (sub 24" box)