Friday: Push Press 1RM
AMRAP in 10 mins of:
10 Ground To Overheads @ 95lbs
10 Ring Dips
Sunday: Run 5k
Wed: AMRAP in 15 mins of:
5 bear complex @ 135lbs
10 burpee-to-pull-up, high bar.
Justin - Fri: 185lbs, 6 rounds (coming down with a cold.)
Sun: ~9:45 pace (hung over, plus cold.)
Wed: 3 rounds + 5 bear complex (getting over cold, dealing with crap fuel in my tank.)
Fortunately, I have my Santa bag all full of empty wine bottles and excuses to dole out to anyone who asks.
paleo? more like paleNO. give me some pizza. NOW.
don't remember what i've done earlier this week other than back squatting every day.
wed: did some tabata squats, pushups, situps and double-unders (cuss makers)
thu: OTM for 10 mins: 3 185# HPC + 5 strict HSPU
fri: snatch work
Eff my bee, that looks painful.
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