Friday, August 29, 2008

Gimme a (leg) break...

My poor, poor legs needed some I went back a few weeks and grabbed an upper body WOD and added a bonus round to it:

For time:

* 15 Handstand push-ups
* 1 L Pull-up
* 13 Handstand push-ups
* 3 L Pull-ups
* 11 Handstand push-ups
* 5 L Pull-ups
* 9 Handstand push-ups
* 7 L Pull-ups
* 7 Handstand push-ups
* 9 L Pull-ups
* 5 Handstand push-ups
* 11 L Pull-ups
* 3 Handstand push-ups
* 13 L Pull-ups
* 1 Handstand push-up
* 15 L Pull-ups

THEN follow the same rep-round sequence but do Plange push-ups and sit ups. (i.e. 15 Plange push-ups, 1 sit up, etc.)

Jason: 26:03

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Working with time constraints

Bunch of meetings for work today, so we'll be doing a routine with a set time limit.

AMRAP - 20 Minutes:
10 Hang Squat Cleans - 135#
25 Wall-ball shots - 20# ball (sub 20# DB thrusters)

Jason - 3 Rds + 6 HSC, used 2x50# DBs for HSCs
Justin - 3 Rds, DNF due to sore back
Seth - 5 Rds

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Act of courage...


...or stupidity? This is the first time for us to attempt this hero WOD, so we'll know after today.

"Randy" - For Time:
75 Power snatch - 75#

In honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed February 6 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons' wife and two children.

First posted 13 February 2008

Justin - 9:46
Seth - 7:47

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

7 up yours…


Pressed for time again today, sorry. Today's WOD is

7 rounds for time of:

  • 7 Pull-ups
  • 7 Thrusters @ 2x25lb DB
  • 7 Burpees
  • 7 Ring dips
  • 7 Push-ups
  • 7 Double-unders

Justin - 22:19
Seth - 19:56
Jason - 32:01, subs 2xbar dips for ring dips, tuck jumps for double-unders
Shiloh - 25:23

Pressed for time… (late post)


I was on a truncated schedule yesterday, so I got in a halfass workout. It was:


12-10-8-6-4-2 rep rounds for time

  • 165lb Bench press
  • 135lb power clean
  • 225lb deadlift


Kinda weak sauce, but hey, better than nothing.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Trying to make a come back!

I have to get back into the habit of working out! It's been long enough I didn't want to over do it.

For Time:

100 push-ups
50 squats
30 ring dips
30 pull ups
15 Hand Stand Push Ups

Shiloh - 13:24

Friday, August 22, 2008

M.E. plus M.U.

Since we ran out of time yesterday before completing part 3 of the trifecta, we'll going to Make it Up today after some Max Effort work.

Back Squats, 5 sets of 5 reps
Go for maximum weight. Rest as needed between sets.

Abdominal Demolition (from yesterday)

For time:

  • 30 Knee to Elbow cycles (1 cycle - right knee to left elbow, both k to e, left knee to right elbow.)
  • 30 Situp cycles (1 cycle - right elbow to left knee, both forward, left elbow to right knee.)
  • 30 flutter kicks (1 rep - 4 kicks. ex: 1,2,3,one...1,2,3,two...etc. Keep legs locked out and toes up.)
  • 30 mountain climbers (1 rep - 4 "moves". same as above: 1,2,3,one...1,2,3,two. focus on not rounding the back.)

Justin - 265,275,295,295,300 - 22:10
Seth - 245,265,265,265,245 - 17:36

Thursday, August 21, 2008

WOD Trifecta




15-10-5 rep rounds of:

  • 10lb Dumbbell Thrusters
  • Burpees
  • Air Squats

In "honor" of Navy Seaman Makimba Mimms, who was permanently disabled by this ruthless workout and is suing the CrossFit affiliate where he was tricked into performing this insanely difficult workout and suffered rhabdomyolysis as a result.


For time:
  • 21 reps overhead squat @ 95lbs
  • 42 Pull-ups
  • 15 reps overhead squat @ 95lbs
  • 30 Pull-ups
  • 9 reps overhead squat @ 95lbs
  • 18 Pull-ups

In honor (for real this time) of SSG Joshua Hager, United States Army, who was killed Thursday February 22 2007 in Ar Ramadi, Iraq.

First posted 26 February 2007


"Abdominal Demolition"

For time:

  • 30 Knee to Elbow cycles (1 cycle - right knee to left elbow, both k to e, left knee to right elbow.)
  • 30 Situp cycles (1 cycle - right elbow to left knee, both forward, left elbow to right knee.)
  • 30 flutter kicks (1 rep - 4 kicks. ex: 1,2,3,one...1,2,3,two...etc. Keep legs locked out and toes up.)
  • 30 mountain climbers (1 rep - 4 "moves". same as above: 1,2,3,one...1,2,3,two. focus on not rounding the back.)

Justin - 3:40
Seth - 3:49
Justin - 11:15
Seth - 13:50
"Abdominal Demolition"
Ran out of time - Did not attempt.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Damn the rain…


Bit busy today, so no colorful commentary. Just some hard work. WOD today is:

For Time

  • 75 Push-Ups
  • 50 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls - 95#
  • 50 Ring Dips
  • 30 Weighted Pull-Ups - 45#
  • 25 Handstand Push-ups

Justin - 23:30
Seth - 23:35

Monday, August 18, 2008

One of my favorites...

I love the combination of the Bear Complex and Burpulls, so this one keeps coming back around. We last did this one in June, before that, January. It is:

5 rounds for time

  • 5 reps of the Bear Complex @ 115lbs
  • 10 burpulls
  • 15 chest-slapping push-ups

Bear Complex - Power clean to front squat to push press (catch on back) to back squat to push press (catch on chest.) You may not combine the squats with the presses into a thruster. The weight must stop before being pressed.

Burpull - Burpee to pull-up. If pull-up bar is less than 8', perform one burpee and one pull-up for each rep.

Chest-Slapping push-ups - Regular push-up, but at the top of the movement, the hands leave the ground and slap the chest. If you can't do chest-slap, do clapping, can't do clapping, just do push-ups explosively, trying to get your hands off the ground.

Justin - 28:45
Seth - 24:07

Friday, August 15, 2008

Something Heroic…


Pulling a Hero WOD out of the hat today. It is:


For Time:

  • 100 Squats
  • 5 Muscle-ups
  • 75 Squats
  • 10 Muscle-ups
  • 50 Squats
  • 15 Muscle-ups
  • 25 Squats
  • 20 Muscle-ups

Squats are unladen. Muscle-ups will be performed on the pull-up bar.

Seth - 17:08
Justin - 24:20

S01 (SEAL) Jason Dale Lewis was killed by an IED while conducting combat operations in Southern Baghdad July 6, 2007. We name this workout "Jason" in honor of his life, family, and courage.

First posted 2 August 2007

(Image, workout, and description courtesy of

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A New Kind of Pain…


The random workout picker wasn't giving us anything we liked today, so we went ahead and made up a new one. This one looks like it may end up being worthy of its own name, but we'll wait till the aftermath to be sure. Here it is:

Three rounds for time:

  • 50 Double-unders
  • 21 Bench press @ 135lbs
  • 15 Knees-to-bar
  • 9 Barbell Thrusters @ 135lbs

Seth - 17:38
Justin - 28:00

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Playing with the Recipe…


We're going to adapt a recent mainsite WOD to omit squatting. My knees and p-chain could use a day 'off.'

For time

  • 21 DB power snatch (per arm) @45lbs
  • 21 Atomic sit-ups
  • 42 Pull-ups
  • 15 DB power snatch (per arm) @45lbs
  • 15 Atomic sit-ups
  • 30 Pull-ups
  • 9 DB power snatch (per arm) @45lbs
  • 9 Atomic sit-ups
  • 18 Pull-ups

Justin - 15:51
Seth - 14:26

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why would you windmill?

Yes, Turkish Get-Ups are tough enough already, but adding a windmill into each rep is just too much fun. It's been long enough since last time to almost forget just how much fun these can be.

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
12 Turkish Getup-mills - 35# DB (6 each side)
12 Ring Dips
12 Walking Lunge Steps - 50# DB each hand (6 steps per leg)

Justin - 3 rounds + 2 TGU-mills
Seth - 4 rounds + 2 TGU-mills

Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday – Total Death… (repeat 5/1)


Last did this one on May 1st. I weigh 10lbs more now than I did then, but we're going to stick with the weights we used last time to gauge progress.

Total Death

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds for time of:

Deadlift 1 1/2 BW 235lbs
Back Squat 1 1/4 BW 195lbs
Shoulder Press 3/4 BW 115lbs

Justin - 31:22
Seth - 30:10

Friday, August 8, 2008

In, Out, Odd Only

I missed out on this one last time and it sure looks like 'fun'. I wonder which 1/2 will be worse, the HSPU or the L-Pull-Ups.

For time:
  • 15 Handstand push-ups
  • 1 L Pull-up
  • 13 Handstand push-ups
  • 3 L Pull-ups
  • 11 Handstand push-ups
  • 5 L Pull-ups
  • 9 Handstand push-ups
  • 7 L Pull-ups
  • 7 Handstand push-ups
  • 9 L Pull-ups
  • 5 Handstand push-ups
  • 11 L Pull-ups
  • 3 Handstand push-ups
  • 13 L Pull-ups
  • 1 Handstand push-up
  • 15 L Pull-ups

(Note: If you can't do HSPU, do decline push-ups, with your feet raised above your shoulders as high as possible. If you can't do L pull-ups, do 1 pull-up and one hanging leg raise for each rep of L pull-up.)

Justin - 17:20
Seth - 16:33

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Headed for a show down

This competitive little workout was posted as the WOD at CFHQ a while back. First time here.

"OPT vs Freddy" - 7 rounds for time of:
10 Sumo-deadlift high-pull - 95#
10 Ring dips

Seth - 7:23
Justin - 7:45

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

When you can't take it anymore...

...don't just get mad, get even. Justin didn't think this was hard enough last time, so we've added another exercise to the rotation.

"Project Vengeance" - 21, 15, 9 Rep Rounds for Time:
DB Thrusters - 25# DBs
Bench Press - 135#
Box Jumps - 24" Box

Box Jump height/reps all messed up, see comments. Times:
Seth - 14:09
Justin - 17:15

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Here's a prescription . . .


...for pain!
We decided to scale this one last time, but plan to do it up right today.

15-12-9 rep rounds of

  • 225lb Back Squat
  • 135lb Power Cleans
  • +50lb Weighted Pull-ups.
Justin - 21:35
Seth - 20:43

Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday – “Nate”


We haven't done this one in a while, and it looks like a lot of "fun" so here we go again!

As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Minutes of:

  • 2 Muscle-ups
  • 4 Handstand Push-ups
  • 8 DB Swings @ 70lbs


In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.

(Image courtesy of

Justin - 10 rounds, Ring MU rds 1-3, jumping ring MU rds 4-10, 75# DB
Seth - 11 1/3 rounds, Bar MU