Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Glutton for punishment


One last workout before the national day of gluttony. Be thankful it's only:

21-15-9 Rep rounds for Time
Box Jumps
DB Swings - 35#
Lunges x each leg
Knees to Elbows
Run 400M

Note: Run 400M each round (three times total).

Melanie - 25:47, as Rx'd


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Does this look heavy?


It sure looks heavy to me.

15-12-9 Rep rounds For Time:
Back Squat - 225#
Power Cleans - 135#
Weighted Pull-Ups - 50#

Seth - 18:57
Justin - DNF, 2 rounds in ~17:30
James - 19:31, sub 45# bs, 95# Hanging PCs, 35# pu


Monday, November 24, 2008

More than a hero


This workout combines the hero workout J.T. plus running. I'm not sure why, but it's called:

For Time
21 Handstand Push-ups
21 Ring Dips
21 Push-Ups
Run 800 meters
15 Handstand Push-ups
15 Ring Dips
15 Push-Ups
Run 800 meters
9 Handstand Push-ups
9 Ring Dips
9 Push-Ups
Run 800 meters

Shiloh - 22:14
Seth - 23:01
Justin - 27:37
James - 26:16, subs: decline push-ups, bar dips, elliptical
Melanie - 27:44, subs: decline push-ups, triceps dips


Friday, November 21, 2008

Rower blues


Today's workout appeared in a mainsite video about a month ago. Sure would be nice if there was a rower available, as I don't care much for all those SDLHP. Should still be 'fun'.

"The Ramstein" For Time:
Row 500 M (sub 50 SDLHP - 45#)
25 Pull-Ups
20 KB Swings - 1.5 pood (55# DB)
15 OHS - 65#
10 Burpees
Run 400 M
10 Burpees
15 OHS - 65#
20 KB Swings - 1.5 pood (55# DB)
25 Pull-Ups
Row 500 M (sub 50 SDLHP - 45#)

Seth - 17:56
Shiloh - 20:18, sub 2min double-unders for 400M run

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Back to Basics


No complicated lifts in today's workout, but it sure gets tough. A CrossFit classic:

Cindy - AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Squats

To get the most benefit from the exercises, attempt to maintain good form and range-of-motion.

Pull-Ups: Full arm extension at bottom, chin over bar at top.
Push-Ups: Chest & thighs touch floor at bottom, full arm extension at top.
Squats: Hip crease below knees at bottom, full hip extension at top.

Jason - 14 rounds, sub clapping pull-ups
Seth - 18 rounds + pull-ups + 2 push-ups
James - 13 rounds + pull-ups + push-ups, subbed anchored sit-ups for squats


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Going back a bit


Haven't seen this one in quite a while.

For Time:
15 Overhead squat - 95#
15 L-Pull-ups
15 Split-jerk - 95#
15 Knees to elbows
15 Hang clean - 95#
15 Back extensions, with 25 pounds

Melanie - 7:20, sub 30# bar, jumping pull-ups + L-raises
Jennifer - 8:39, sub 20# bar, jumping pull-up + L-raises
Seth - 9:18, sub 115#
Jason - 13:20, sub 75# OHS, 35# good-morning for back-extensions

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gimme 20


It's just 20 minutes. How bad can it be?

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 Glute-Ham Developer Sit-Ups
10 Pull-Ups
15 Back-Extensions
15 Push-Ups

James - 6 1/2 rounds
Seth - 7 1/2 rounds plus 13 back-extensions
Jason - 9 rounds, sub'd atomic sit-ups and supermans for GHDs and back extensions
Shiloh - 6 rounds in 14:02

Monday, November 17, 2008

Snatch and Go


We'll be attempting the HQ workout from Friday:

"Snatch & Go"
Five rounds for time of:
15 Hang Power Snatch - 95#
Run 400 meters

Seth - 15:43
Melanie - 16:56, sub 30# HPS
Jennifer - 19:46, sub 12# HPS, 200M run on rds 2-5
Jason - 25:41
Shiloh - 17:57

Friday, November 14, 2008

Travel light


I'm traveling this week, but did manage to bring my jump rope with me. This girl-named workout is one I can actually do with my available equipment.

50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds, For Time:

If you can't do double-unders, substitute tuck-jumps.

Jason - 7:47, tuck-jumps
Seth - 8:54

Thursday, November 13, 2008

u pull it...


With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

Use as many sets each minute as needed.

Jason - 15rds + 12 PUs

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Quick and Dirty


Usually the "As Many Rounds As Possible" workouts last for 20 minutes. Whomever came up with this workout decide 15 minutes would be plenty. As burpees are included, that assessment is probably spot on.

AMRAP in 15 min:
5 Burpees
5 Pull-ups
5 Hang Power Cleans #65

James - 13 rounds, sub 5 push-ups & 10 sit-ups for burpees
Seth - 15 rounds
Stephanie - ~8 rds, sub jumping pull-ups, 20# HPCs
Jason - 12 rounds

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Absolute power


Borrowing the CrossFit HQ workout from Sunday:

Power clean 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

This workout calls for 7 sets of your maximum effort for the power clean. Rest as needed between sets (~2-3 minutes). You can change the weights in order to challenge yourself if you succeed. Use your warm up sets to gauge what weight should be counted as part of your seven max effort sets.

Seth - 225,235,235,235,240(f),240(f),235
Jason - 155,165,175,185(f),185(f),165,175
Shiloh - 165,185,195(f),185,195,205(f),195

Monday, November 10, 2008

Random recipe


Today's random workout has us revisiting this one from a few months back.

For time

  • 21 DB power snatch (per arm) @45lbs
  • 21 Atomic sit-ups
  • 42 Pull-ups
  • 15 DB power snatch (per arm) @45lbs
  • 15 Atomic sit-ups
  • 30 Pull-ups
  • 9 DB power snatch (per arm) @45lbs
  • 9 Atomic sit-ups
  • 18 Pull-ups

Jason - 18:02
Seth - 12:46
Jennifer - 13:06, 15#, 1/2 reps jumping pull-ups
Melanie - ~11:30, 20#, jumping pull-ups
Stephanie (welcome!) - ~12 min, 10#, jumping pull-ups
Shiloh - 15:42

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Because I had a lazy week!

Run 5K

Shiloh - 21:04 (6:47 pace)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Busy day

Late post, busy day:

For time:
  • 15 Handstand push-ups
  • 1 L Pull-up
  • 13 Handstand push-ups
  • 3 L Pull-ups
  • 11 Handstand push-ups
  • 5 L Pull-ups
  • 9 Handstand push-ups
  • 7 L Pull-ups
  • 7 Handstand push-ups
  • 9 L Pull-ups
  • 5 Handstand push-ups
  • 11 L Pull-ups
  • 3 Handstand push-ups
  • 13 L Pull-ups
  • 1 Handstand push-up
  • 15 L Pull-ups

(Note: If you can't do HSPU, do decline push-ups, with your feet raised above your shoulders as high as possible. If you can't do L pull-ups, do 1 pull-up and one hanging leg raise for each rep of L pull-up.)

Jason - 13:54
Seth - 15:44


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Seek out discomfort.


After all, "...comfort and ease are not often associated with progress and accomplishment in any endeavor." - Mark Rippetoe

21-15-9 Rep rounds For Time:
Deadlift - 225#
Push Press - 135#

Jason - 20:58, sub 115# Push Press
Seth - 11:47
James - Alternate workout, see comments

Previous results

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Turkish Time


Seems like we haven't done Turkish get-ups in a while, so...

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
6 Turkish Get-Ups - 35# DB (3 per side)
9 Ring Dips
12 Pull-Ups

Instruction on TGU can be found here, here, here and here

Jason - 4 rds, sub 3 x bar dips
Jennifer - 5 rds + 2 TGUs, sub 5# TGU, triceps dips, jumping pull-ups
Seth - 6 rds + TGUs

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How badly do you want it?


You'll have to push yourself to have a good score on this one.

AMRAP in 20 Minutes (As Many Rounds As Possible)
10 Hang Squat Cleans - 135#
25 Wall-ball shots - 20# ball (sub 20# DB thrusters)

Seth - 4 rounds + HSC + 23 thrusters
Jason - 2 rounds + 8 HSC

Comments indicate we loved this one last time.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Not quite human


This workout comes from a video posted to CrossFit HQ yesterday.

"Bionic" 5 Rounds for time of:
5 Muscle-Ups
10 Handstand Push-Ups
15 DB Swings - 55#
20 Double-Unders

Substitute as necessary, see FAQ.

Seth - 20:32, bar muscle ups
Jennifer - 4 rounds in ~23 min, subs: 2 x jumping pull-ups, tricep dips, decline push-ups, 25# swings, tuck jumps
James - 3 rounds in ~22 min, subs: 3 x pull-ups, dips, steep decline push-ups, 35# swings, tuck jumps
Jason - 27:38, bar/jumping muscle ups, tuck jumps

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Almost Fresh Fun

21-15-9 Rep rounds for Time:

95# Power Clean, Push Press, Overhead Squat
Ring Push-Ups
Burpulls (Burpee to Pull-Up)


Shiloh - 19:37

Results from October 23rd: Fresh fun

Saturday, November 1, 2008

That's NOT crossfit

Run 10 miles.

Shiloh - 90:31
Amy - 94:04