Snatch - 3x3 OR Deadlift - 2x5:
Bench Press - 3x5:
AMRAP In 10 Minutes Of:
- 10 Dips
- 10 Sit-Ups
- 10 Squats
- Seth - Snatch: 115,135,155 - BP: 225,230,230(3) - 6 1/3 Rds
- Kelly - Deadlift: 155,185 - BP: 130,135,135 - 5 Rds + 7 dips
(ĭn'fĭ-dəl) n. 1. Offensive. An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion, especially Christianity or Islam. 2. One who has no religious beliefs. ***3. One who doubts or rejects a particular doctrine, system, or principle.*** (Note: Infidel Crossfit is a personal blog of myself and other like-minded CrossFitters. We are not a CrossFit affiliate.)