Friday, September 20, 2013

Crashing classes

Decided to crash the crossfit class today. Turned out to be a team/partner workout day. Here's what was prescribed:

14 Rounds For Time (30 Minute time limit):

  • 3 Handstand Push-Ups
  • 6 Deadlifts - 225#
  • 12 Pull-Ups
  • 24 Double-Unders/72 Singles
  • Seth + Eric - 12 Rds in 30 minutes

1 comment:

SethHarder said...

Eric was kind enough to take more time than I did per round, such that I had time enough to rest and power through my next round. Total time spend working out was badly uneven. I spent about 6 minutes total on my 6 rounds. Eric used the other 24 minutes of our 30 minute cap for his 6 rounds.