Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Injury prone

I have been plagued by nagging left shoulder pain of late and the high number of pushups and burpees on Monday aggrevated it badly. Casey tweaked a hamstring during warmups and I butchered my shins when I missed a rep on box jumps. All told: a pretty forgettable gym day.

Deadlift 1x5:


AMRAP in 20 Minutes:

  • 10 Box Jumps - 30/16" box
  • 5 L-Pull-Ups / KTE
  • 10 Hang Power Cleans - 75/45#
  • 50 Single-Unders
  • Seth - 365 - 7 Rds + bloody shin + HPC
  • Casey - 315(1) - 6 Rds + bandaid search + KTE


SethHarder said...

I received a harsh reminder to focus while doing box jumps. Looked away for a second to note what some other guys were doing for their crossfit-esque routine and my feet missed the box. My shins, however, did not. The five minute break to seek and apply band-aids did not improve the scores.

Justin said...

Maybe you should spend less time checking out dudes at the gym and more time doing work. I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.

SethHarder said...

Don't worry. They can't compare to you Justin.