Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday - Strength...

Decided to drag out some of my weight stuff at home today and did:

  • Back Squat - 5-5-5-5-5
  • Bench Press - 5-5-5-5-5
  • 20 Second Chin-ups x 10 (10 seconds to go from full extension to chin over bar, 10 seconds to go back.)

BS - 235lbs x 5 (max possible with available equipment @ home)
BP - 165, 185, 185, 200, 200 (no spotter available)
10x 20 Second Chins (one-mississippi, two-mississippi...)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Low Intensity – Day 2…


Keeping it dialed back still this week. I threw this one together:


5 rounds for time of

  • 5 x Deadlift @ 1 ½ BW (did 225lbs)
  • 10 x Press @ ½ BW (did 95lbs)
  • Pull-ups



Justin – Leisurely pace, 19:45


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Back Off…


Since Seth is out for a week, I'm taking the opportunity to back off the intensity for a bit and see if I can't put on some bodyweight. In keeping with this, today's workout was:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds for time of:

  • 185lb Back Squat
  • 155lb Bench Press
  • +35lb weighted chin-ups

Justin: 24:25 (Leisurely pace.)
Shiloh: 23:44

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday misery

This is an repeat from February 12th. It still has no name, and no mercy.

For time (completion):

  • 30 Pull-ups
  • 50 DB swings @ 55lbs
  • 75 sit-ups
  • 50 push-ups
  • 30 Front squat @ 95lbs
  • 50 Back Extensions (or Supermans)
  • 30 Hang squat cleans @ 95lbs
  • 30 Knees-to-elbows
  • 21 Snatches @ 95lbs
  • 75 sit-ups


Seth - 45:06, power snatches
Justin - 46:30, DNF after 6 power snatch reps
Shiloh - 29:23

Friday, June 20, 2008

Tricky Random Selections

From the random WOD selector, we get this workout, last done on March 5th.

"Bag of Tricks" - Time each Round
3 Rounds, 3 minute rest b/t each round

30 Sit-Ups
25 Parallette Push-Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings - 2 pood / 70# DB
15 Pull-Ups
10 Deadlift - Body weight
50 Squats

Seth - 6:05, 7:43, 9:36 - 195# DLs
Shiloh - 7:14, 7:49, 8:10 - 185# DLs

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Causing a disturbance

Today's workout may get us in trouble, as Justin says the ball slams can get a bit noisy. Oh well, it won't be the first nor (hopefully) the last time. Brace yourselves for:

"Air Assault"
3 Rounds for Time
100 Jump Rope singles
10 Pull-Ups
10 Ring Dips
Row 200 M (or 20 reps SDHLP - 45#)
20 KB Swings - 1.5 pood or 55#
20 Ball Slams - 20#
Run 400 M
40 Squats
40 Sit-ups

Justin - 34:03
Seth - 32:03

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Nasty Girls


Don't let the name fool you. This one's no joke. I've never done this one as Rx before, so it should be fun this time:

3 Rounds for Time

  • 50 Squats
  • 7 Muscle Ups
  • 10 Hang Power Cleans @135lbs

If you can't do muscle-ups, do 3x pull-ups and dips per rep, and concentrate on maximum height in the pull-up, maximum depth in the dip.

Seth - 10:28, Bar Muscle Ups
Justin - 14:28, Bar Muscle Ups
Shiloh - 23:30, see comments

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Get ready to yell.

After all, “Insufficient yelling in the gym causes bad form.” - Mark Rippetoe

We need to do some max effort work, and as this was on the HQ page recently...

Overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Front squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps
Back squat 1-1-1-1-1 reps

Try to increase the load on each of the fifteen sets.

Justin -
OHS: 115,125,135,145,165(f)
FS: 205,225,245,265(f),255
BS: 265,295,315(f),295(f),295
Seth -
OHS: 115,125,135,145(f),155
FS: 205,225,245,265(f),255
BS: 255,275,285,295,305(f)
Shiloh -
OHS: 115,125,135,145,155
FS: 205 (switched to back squats)
BS: 225,245,255,265,270,275,280,290,295

Monday, June 16, 2008

From the comments...

This workout was posted to the comments by Jason a while back. It certainly looks like 'fun'.

"Renegade Rows" - 5 Rounds For Time:
10 L-Pull-Ups
20 DB Hang Squat Cleans - 2x35# DBs
30 Renegade Row Push-Ups - 2x35# DBs
40 Sit-Ups

For Renegade Row PUs: one pushup + one arm row = 1 rep. Alternate arms every rep.

Seth - 43:49
Shiloh - 3 rounds in 25:54

Friday, June 13, 2008

Random Revisited

The random selection process has us revisiting a workout that kicked our butts back in January.

We're going to attempt this with the full Bear Complexes as originally prescribed this time around.

5 Rounds For Time:
5 Bear Complex - 135#
10 Burpulls
15 Ring Push-Ups (sub chest-slap Push-Ups)

Not quite as prescribed, but closer than last time.
Justin and I used 115# on Bear Complexes and subbed chest-slap push-ups
Seth - 26:28
Shiloh - 29:13
Justin - 30:11

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Arbitrary simplicity

Another new (to me) routine as chosen via the random WOD selector script.

5 Rounds for Time:
- 5 Push Jerks - 125#
- 20 GHD Sit-Ups

Seth - 9:59
Justin - 12:50
Shiloh: 9:24

Short workout, so afterwards, we did:
Bench Press Bodyweight 5-5-5-5-5
Should have gone heavier.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Randomly selected

Guess I'm officially a 'Gym Nerd' now. I have been capturing our workout routines and results in a spreadsheet for months now. There are nearly 1200 rows, and it's just getting cumbersome to scroll through to select a workout. To fix this, and increase randomness in the WOD selection process, I now have a random number generating perl script to help out.

Here's the randomly selected workout for today: "Annie, Are you OK?"
Modifications for equipment issues makes it:

"Annie, Are you alright?"
21, 15, 9 Rep Rounds for time of:

-2 x reps Sumo Deadlift High Pull - 45# Barbell
-DB Thrusters - 2 x 35# DBs
-Box Jumps - 24"
-DB Sumo Squat Cleans - 2x15# DBs
-DB Thrusters - 2 x 20# DBs

To clarify, do 42,30,18 reps of the SDHLP, 21,15,9 of the other exercises.

Seth - 24:56

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Do or do not… there is no “try.” (EDITED)


Going (relatively) heavy today, with lower reps.

AMRAP in 20 minutes of...

  • 5x 275lb Deadlift
  • 10x HSPU
  • 15x weighted dips @+25lbs

Note: This was another example of things being way harder than they look on paper. We ended up scaling this back from the original to what you see above.

Justin & Seth: 3 rounds + DL and HSPU
Shiloh: 4 rds + DL and HSPU - subbed Ring Dips

Monday, June 9, 2008

Not Very Creative


Happy Monday morning!!! Having a busy morning at work, so I'm going for some old stand-by exercises today.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds of

  • 185lb back squat
  • 135lb power clean
  • 35lb weighted pull-up

Scale weight according to ability.

Justin: 31:44
Seth: 25:51

Friday, June 6, 2008

BrandX – Ratzon’s Pride…


Today's WOD was mined by Seth from the BrandX Forums, and was originally posted there by Ratzon. Looks like a "fun" one, for sure.

5 Rounds For Time

  • 3 Bar Muscle-Ups (sub 3x pull-ups and dips if no MU)
  • 5 One-Legged Box Jumps, Left - 18"
  • 4 L-Pull-Ups
  • 5 One-Legged Box Jumps, Right - 18"
  • 5 Strict Pull-Ups
  • 5 One-Legged Box Jumps, Left - 18"
  • 7 Kipping Pull-Ups
  • 5 One-Legged Box Jumps, Right - 18"

The prospect of one-legged box jumps seems pretty gnarly to me, should be interesting. My personal recommendation is to either step down or jump down and land on both feet. Call me a sissy, but doing the jump down on one leg looks like an easy road to knee injury.

Incidentally, BrandX is an awesome resource for discussion and information on all things crossfit. I've learned much from reading their message board. Check it out if you have a little bit.


Seth: 14:28
Justin: 16:38
Shiloh: 21:15, 3xpull-ups+dips for MU Rds 2-5

Thursday, June 5, 2008

“Beginner” WOD – 6-5-08


Today's Beginner WOD will be as follows:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds for time of:

  • Goblet Squats @ 1/3 your bodyweight
  • Burpees
  • Pull-ups (or Jumping Pull-ups or Body Rows, etc.)
  • Sit-ups (Full range of motion. No crunches.)

Pull, Push!


Going with a shorter duration, anaerobic workout today. Haven't done much overhead work to speak of recently, so today is:

21-15-9 Rep Rounds of

  • 225lb Deadlift
  • 135lb Push-press

Go hard, go fast, be careful.

Seth - 13:26
Justin - 13:27

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Triple Cindy

Straight off the HQ main site.

Triple Cindy:
AMRAP in 20 minutes of:
15 Pull-Ups
30 Push-Ups
45 Squats

Seth: 5 rounds
Shiloh: 5 + 2/3 rounds

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A nice cool day...

Forecast in Little Rock today shows an expected high in the low 90's, with relative humidity at around 70%... Looks like a perfect day to run outside to me!!!

  • Run 1km (outside)
  • 100 push-ups
  • 100 sit-ups
  • 100 squats
  • Run 1km (outside)

Get and stay hydrated, and don't have a heat stroke. lists the following as symptoms of heat stroke:

- Rapid heartbeat
- Rapid and shallow breathing
- Elevated or lowered blood pressure
- Cessation of sweating
- Irritability, confusion or unconsciousness
- Feeling dizzy or lightheaded
- Headache
- Nausea
- Fainting

At least half of those are also symptoms of a WOD done right, so it's a fine line to walk. Make sure someone knows what you're doing before you start.


Seth: 29:??
Justin: 34:?? (We ended up running 1.3km each time, up and down a big hill both ways. Times are approximate, due to stopwatch placement issues, but are accurate to within minute.)
Shiloh: 21:21 as Rx'd

Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday - Dick Around Day...

Seth hurt his trap moving, and mine's still jacked up from last week, so rather than be men and work out anyway, we just kinda screwed around in the gym.

One notable achievement is that we both hit PR bench presses today. This is especially notable because CrossFit includes very little bench pressing, and when it does call for it, it's typically "bodyweight" and no more.

Seth and I both spent a lot of our time in the gym before finding crossfit focusing on bench press. Our gym at the time was one of those where the flat bench was the focal point of the entire room, and your worth was measured entirely by how much weight you could get down and up. We went from weekly dedicated bench press training to almost never, and here's what we ended up with:


Previous Weight: 206lbs
Previous PR: 255lbs
% of BW: 124

Current Weight: 195
Current PR: 265
% of BW: 136


Previous Weight: 175lbs
Previous PR: 255lbs
% of BW: 146

Current Weight: 158
Current PR: 245
% of BW: 155

I'm confident that we'll both be able to get more weight up once we've healed, but it was very motivating to know that we're both stronger on this lift (hurt) after many months of complete disregard for it. I think it really says a lot for the carryover of this kind of training into unfamiliar domains.

Anyhow, enough of that. After we benched, we dicked around trying to find the most brutal ab exercises we could come up with, so I'm feeling like someone's been punching me in the abdomen all day.

And remember kids, The Crebital Hulk Says


If you do bench press alone, never ever go anywhere near failure. People die doing that crap. It can happen to you!