Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ouch! My Shoulder Hurts!


It's been too long since I've had a good ole case of Sore Shoulder Syndrome. Say that five times fast.

Trap Easy Us
21 Dumbbell Swings
21 Hang Power Clean
21 Thrusters
18 Dumbbell Swings
18 Hang Power Clean
18 Thrusters
15 Dumbbell Swings
15 Hang Power Clean
15 Thrusters
12 Dumbbell Swings
12 Hang Power Clean
12 Thrusters
9 Dumbbell Swings
9 Hang Power Clean
9 Thrusters
6 Dumbbell Swings
6 Hang Power Clean
6 Thrusters
3 Dumbbell Swings
3 Hang Power Clean
3 Thrusters

45# DBs
95# Barbell

James: 25:12, sub 75# HPCs and Thrusters

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Near Death Experience...

Went with a scaled back version of the Crossfit workout "Linda" (aka Three Bars of Death) today at POWARHOWSE with Shawn. Did:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 rep rounds of:
  • 225lb Deadlift
  • 115lb Clean
  • 165lb Bench Press
(Load up three bars and do 10 reps each exercise, then 9, then 8, etc. "for time.")

"For time" ended up being "dear god, please just let me keep grinding through this until I reach the end or death's sweet embrace rescues me from the agony of this hell on earth."



"Complexity" - For Time:
3 x Complex of Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Jerk @135lbs
21 x Burpees
50 x Double-Unders
21 x Pull-Ups
6 x Complex of Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Jerk @135lbs
15 x Burpees
50 x Double-Unders
15 x Pull-Ups
9 x Complex of Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Jerk @135lbs
9 x Burpees
50 x Double-Unders
9 x Pull-Ups


James: 23:07, sub 1x1 situps for dblunders, 115# complexes
Seth: 22:30, as Rx'd

Monday, December 28, 2009

Post-Holiday Hangover

I skipped all of last week and decided to make it up by attempting a doozy. I found myself nauseous, cramping and slightly disoriented at the end. It was quite a welcome back.

"Navy Seals 300" - For Time:
25 Pull-Ups
50 Deadlifts - 135#
50 Push-Ups
50 Knees to elbows
50 DB Swings - 50#
50 Squats
25 Pull-Ups


James: a dreadful 23:05, sub 1x1 kneeling ab wheels for K2E
Seth: a humiliating 27:23, as Rx'd
Melanie: 21:10, jumping pull-ups, 83# DLs, 20# swings, only 25 KTE

Laura did a different workout:

3 rounds of:
Max reps in 5 minutes of bear complex, 45#

18, 15, 17 = 50 total.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle...

Pulled one from the archives for today's workout. Had to sub out the burpulls due to lack of proper pull-up options, though. Did:

5 rounds for time

• 5 reps Bear Complex @ 115lbs
• 10 burpulls (Subbed lateral-jump burpees over step box)
• 15 ballistic push-ups

Sucked. Lots.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

"Light" Conditioning...


As many rounds as possible in 30 minutes
  • Jump rope – 100 turns
  • Plate Slams with 45lb plate – 20 reps
  • Slasher with 25lb plate – 20 reps (10 each side)
  • Mountain Climbers – 20 cycles (one-two count)
  • Farmer’s carry with both plates (out the aerobics room, to the side stairs, up and down the stairs, back to the aerobics room)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Cardio.... or something like it.

Going for lighter load, metabolic conditioner today. Threw this one out the top of my head with no real reasoning other than it seemed like a decent fit:

3 Rounds for time:
  • Run 1/2mi
  • 50 Push-ups
  • Row 1km
  • 25 decline sit-ups
  • 50 squats

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Share your pain...

Today was the first of (hopefully) many monthly Infidel crew reunion workouts at the UALR fitness center in Little Rock. The weight room there is poorly equipped with old, crappy gear, but there are rowers and pull-up bars and several other implements we like to use.

I think if anything, though, we've learned in the last couple of years that it's far more important who you train with than what you train with or where. It's always motivating to have a little friendly competition with people you know and like. No homo.

We also got to initiate Shawn today and look forward to seeing him progress and working with him at future monthly get-togethers.

Today's workout was a modified (and scaled down) CrossFit Painstorm WOD:

3 Rounds for time...

  • 1 minute max reps deadlift
  • 1 minute max reps hang power clean
  • 1 minute max reps push press
  • 1 minute max reps front squat
  • 1 minute rest
  • 1 minute max calorie row
  • 2 minute max reps dips
  • 3 minutes max reps pull-ups
  • 1 minute rest

Score total reps/calories. Note loads used.

Any of you out there reading, stay tuned for future posts on upcoming monthly get-togethers and RSVP in advance so we can program around the number of participants we have.

  • Justin - 58+64, 30+60, 30+61 = 303 Reps, 115 lbs
  • Seth - 68+55, 31+43, 28+50 = 275 Reps, 115 lbs
  • Laura - 60+37, 51+31, 52+37 = 268 Reps, 65 lbs, 40# assisted dips/pull-ups
  • James - 50+57, 28+40, 27+57 = 259 Reps, 115 lbs
  • Shawn - ?+?, ?+?, ?+? = ? (like a million) Reps, 115 lbs
(Note: Scores are listed in reps for the barbell exercises plus calories rowed and reps for bodyweight exercises, separated by rounds.)

Friday, December 11, 2009

BLAH BLAH nobody's reading this anyway.



  • Row 1.5k
  • (5 rounds) 5 reps Bench Press @ 205 + 10 dips
  • (5 rounds) 10 close-grip chins + seated cable row (worked up to 140)
  • (5 rounds) 5 reps standing overhead press (worked up to 135) + 5 Handstand push-ups + 10 push-ups)
  • Row 1.5k

  • 5x5 Back Squat @ 280

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Still posting...



(Forgot to take my ritalin. Went and reconnoitered the UALR fitness center again.)

  • Row 1km
  • Power Clean - 5 sets of 3 - Worked up to 185 for last 3 sets
  • Overhead Press - 5 sets of 5 - Worked up to 135 for last 3 sets
  • 5 sets of pull-ups to failure
  • Row 1km
  • 100 jump rope singles + 10 24" box jumps (3 rounds)


(Back at Powerhouse.)

  • Back squat - 1 set of 3@275, 4 sets of 3@315
  • Deadlift - 5 sets of 3 @ 315

Monday, December 7, 2009

Keep the dream alive....

Flying solo today in my makeshift gym out in the shop. Did:

Back Squat
1 set - 3 reps @270lbs
4 sets - 3 reps @310lbs

8 Rounds

3x Bench Press @200lbs
3x Weighted pull-up @ +50lbs

6 Rounds (ran out of time)
3x Weighted Ring Dips @ +35lbs
6x Knees-to-bar

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I swear dust flew out of my monitor when it loaded this page.

Shawn and I scaled down and adapted a MilitaryAthlete workout today as an intro to some conditioning work he and I are going to be doing for the foreseeable future. It was:

3 Rounds
  • Run .25mi
  • 10 Hang Squat Clean (S:85# J:125# Rx was 115#)
  • 15 burpees (Rx was 1 rope climb ascent. Not doable.)

2 Rounds
  • 15 decline sit-ups
  • 15 back extension/GHR
  • 90 second ab bridge complex
  • 10 Slasher @ 35lb plate (each side)
(Had to cut this one off in the second round due to time constraints, hypoxia, and nausea. Both workouts were originally rx'd at 5 rounds.)

Felt good to be doing some conditioning work again. It was long overdue.