"Complexity" - For Time:
3 x Complex of Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Jerk @135lbs
21 x Burpees
50 x Double-Unders
21 x Pull-Ups
6 x Complex of Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Jerk @135lbs
15 x Burpees
50 x Double-Unders
15 x Pull-Ups
9 x Complex of Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Jerk @135lbs
9 x Burpees
50 x Double-Unders
9 x Pull-Ups
James: 23:07, sub 1x1 situps for dblunders, 115# complexes
Seth: 22:30, as Rx'd
I actually didn't feel sick today! Now I just need to work my way back to finishing a workout like this in under 20 minutes.
This post is win.
Excellent post. Kick-my-butt workout. What is wrong with you James, death wish? An what is more wrong w/ me for following your lead.
I had NOT missed the burpees during my CF hiatus. F'ing brutal!
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