It's been too long since I've had a good ole case of Sore Shoulder Syndrome. Say that five times fast.
Trap Easy Us
21 Dumbbell Swings
21 Hang Power Clean
21 Thrusters
18 Dumbbell Swings
18 Hang Power Clean
18 Thrusters
15 Dumbbell Swings
15 Hang Power Clean
15 Thrusters
12 Dumbbell Swings
12 Hang Power Clean
12 Thrusters
9 Dumbbell Swings
9 Hang Power Clean
9 Thrusters
6 Dumbbell Swings
6 Hang Power Clean
6 Thrusters
3 Dumbbell Swings
3 Hang Power Clean
3 Thrusters
45# DBs
95# Barbell
James: 25:12, sub 75# HPCs and Thrusters
My back was really, really angry at me after this one. What a butt kicker!
Apparently my back still hasn't gotten over it. It looks like the old country song addage is true - we should've have gone to bed until we settled the fight. This morning was much worse than last night.
Docta said I need a backiotomy!
I'm thinking of completely banishing the thruster from my repertoire for this very reason. Way too much potential for injury. Ditto for high-rep deadlifts for time.
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