Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Strange Looking

The format of the running in this workout is against the infidel norm. Aaaaand it's quite puney. But I just started running again after a ~2 month break because of shin splints, so SHUT UP. And it should also be noted that I tacked the run onto the end of the workout instead of doing a few smaller runs during the workout because 10Fitness sucks my balls and I would probably lose my bar if I left it for long enough to run.

For time:
5 rounds of:
10 strict pull-ups
30 push-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans, 95#

Then run 1/2 mile

James: roughly 27 minutes. I had a dupe-dee-doo moment and forgot to look at my watch until I got back into the locker room. But 27 is pretty close.


James said...

Pullups and pushups got real ugly. I was reduced to doing singles at the end. F'sho.

James said...

Oh, and I did this one yesterday. But don't get all impressed and such. It was a nasty little 4-round DNF.


Japaleno said...

So, which one burned more calories. Running a 1/2 mile or bitching about it?

James said...

Hmm, I was a true believer in the "no such thing as a stupid question" rule until now. What a horrible thing to rob someone of.