Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Rehash Day 3 – DesPeres Manmaker Challenge

Today, we're taking on the Manmaker Challenge from Crossfit Des Peres. Here it is:

3 Rounds for Time

  • 10 Overhead Walking Lunges
  • 5 Barbell Man Maker Complex - Barbell Burpee to Deadlift to Hang Power Clean to Thruster
  • 10 Push Presses
  • 5 Overhead Squats
  • 10 Knees to Elbows
  • 5 Pull-ups

See THIS POST for more information.

(Note: We decided to scrap the penalties idea very quickly after beginning the workout last time, so disregard them.)


Seth - 16:20
Justin - 18:21

VAST improvement over last time.


SethHarder said...

I was just hoping to beat 20 minutes this time. I know the OH lunges were improved and OHS felt OK. OHS depth was slightly shallow on a couple of reps, but much better than last time around.
I'm really a bit shocked at the level of improvement, as I thought I was in pretty good shape 3 months ago.

jason said...

sorry guys. no matter how hard i tried or how pissed i got, i could not do the overhead squats with dumbbells and could barely do the lunges. so i gave up and did the seal work out. it kicked my ass but honestly by the time i started it, i was totally discouraged from failing the DP Manmaker Challenge. i seriously need a barbell.


135# deadlifts (used 2x65# DBs)
knees to elbows
box jumps (used 18" step)

took an embarassing 36:56.

Justin said...

Man, Jason, I'm impressed that you even tried those OHS and lunges with dumbbells. I normally wouldn't have posted such a barbell-centric workout for your sake, but the rehash got us on this one.

That 50-35-20 workout looks tough, man.

jason said...

yeah man, don't worry about those days when the workouts require equipment i don't have...i'll find a different way to own myself when i can't participate. i think i strained my left ass doing those deadlifts today. the ktes are what seriously ate my time though.

Shiloh said...


I had a little trouble with balance when doing OHS to full depth so I was a little shallow on most of the reps.

Push presses were the toughest on my first round oddly enough. Over all, I started out feeling weak and finshed well.

Lunges sucked in the garage; had to open the door and go down the driveway. Only saw one jogger. Bet she thought I was crazy.