"ADAMBROWN" - 2 Rounds for Time:
- 24 Deadlifts - 295 lbs
- 24 Box Jumps - 24" box
- 24 Wallball shots - 20# ball
- 24 Bench Press - 195 lbs
- 24 Box Jumps - 24" box
- 24 Wallball shots - 20# ball
- 24 Cleans - 145 lbs

Navy Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Adam Lee Brown, 36, of Hot Springs, Arkansas, was killed on March 17th, 2010 in Komar Province, Afghanistan, in a battle against heavily armed militants. He is survived by his wife, Kelley, two children, Nathan and Savannah, and by his parents.
- Seth - DNF, 1 Round in 26:54, sub 255# DL, BP: 205x6,175x18, 2x20#DB Thrusters
- James - alternate workouts, see journal entry in comments
Wow. What a workout. I didn't attempt it but I'm a bit nauseous from just looking at it.
Unfortunately, due to lingering injuries, I've had to cut back on my CrossFitting ways. So about a month ago I started swimming in the mornings and doing CrossFit-ish workouts at lunch. “CrossFit-ish” means a number of things...no pull-ups due to shoulder tendon injury and lat-fatigue from daily swimming, no Turkish get-ups for the same shoulder injury reasons, and no swings or box jumps, very little running and only light weight squats/cleans/lifts for the knee tendon pain. As you can imagine, with these limitations, finding a do-able CrossFit workout has become difficult.
So basically I do a lot of MetCon…sit-ups, push-ups, walking lunges, burpees, light oly lifting. It’s not ideal, but it’s all I have to work with. So, in the future, I’ll post my morning’s swimming distance, time and activity percentage. The activity percentage is an indicator of endurance and measures how much time I spend swimming rather than holding onto the side of the pool, panting. It is roughly calculated as: sum of lap set times/total time in pool. Then I’ll include my scaled down, mid-day “wOD”. The lower case “w” was intentional
So before I start to ramble…
2,050 yard swim, 1:02:24, 66.73% (PR on distance and activity percentage)
100 sit-ups, then…
10 Burpees
10 Push-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans, 115#
then another 100 sit-ups
27:14 total time, 4 rounds plus 3 burpees on the AMRAP. Second round of sit-ups was hell.
The End
AMRAP 15 minutes
That was a killer workout, had to scale the DL's due to the heavy squats and DLs on Monday. Squat cleans at the end took like 12 minutes as I fought w/ fatigue and nausea.
I'd like to give this one another go sometime when the memory of how hard it was starts to fade.
Ice those shoulders and knees James, or you'll start sounding like an old man soon.
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