Wednesday, February 6, 2008

“Max Effort” is not enough…

Seth picked out the workout today, and because he's sadistic and an asshole, he decided we should do TWO workouts (which worked quite well with each other, actually.)


Back Squat – 3, 3, 3, 3, 3


3 Rounds for Time:

  • 10 L-Pullups
  • 50 Double-unders



Back Squat: 225x3, 245x3, 265x3, 275x2(f), 265x3
3 rounds: 5:39


Back Squat: 225x3, 245x3, 265x3, 275x3, 275x1(f)
3 rounds: 7:13 (subbed tuck-jumps for double-unders)

My legs feel funny.

1 comment:

SethHarder said...

Would have sworn I was more of a masochistic asshole. I don't feel satisfied unless my workout kicks my ass, and then try to get others to feel the same pain.

Either way, it was a good workout today. I'm as proud of the (f) on the squat reps as I am of the completed ones. Shows we were really pushing our limits.

My legs feel fine...until I stand up.