Bench Press/Sit-up Tabata Mashup, 1 Round
8 Alternating tabata intervals each of:
135lb Bench Press
Tabata interval - 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest.
Since we're foolishly repeating what we did last time, we're not done yet. After a few minutes rest:
Pull-Up Ladder
With a continuously running clock, do 1 pull-up in the first minute. In the second minute, do 2 pull-ups. In the third, do 3. Continue in this fashion until you fail to reach the prescribed number of pull-ups for the given minute.
This one starts out slow, but don't be fooled; it gets tough in a hurry.
Didn't get rep/round info for Jason, so no fancy chart.
Tabata Mash-up: 193 (sub clapping push-up for 135lb bench)
Pull-up ladder: 11 minutes + 9 pull-ups
Tabata Mash-up: 176 (unanchored sit-ups)
Pull-up ladder: 14 minutes + 10 pull-ups
Tabata Mash-up: 156 (unanchored sit-ups)
Pull-up ladder: 15 minutes + 9 pull-ups
Those without benches may want to sub clapping push-ups.
sub'd clapping push-ups.
mashup score: 193
pull-up ladder: 11 rounds + 9 pull-ups.
i started noticing my pull-up form going way downhill towards the end, so let's just call it 11.
rep/round info (no need for a chart, just check my math.)
pushups: 16-13-13-11-11-10-9-9 = 92
situps: 12-13-12-13-13-13-12-13 = 101
Sit-ups: (anchored; wish I had noticed the the unanchored note before the work-out)
79 + 123 = 202
Push up ladder
Finish round 13 at 12:56 and called it a night.
Sure thought I would make it farther than that; it was so easy through about 10 then I ran out of steam.
Damn strong work, everyone! You guys are freaking schooling it! I'll chart your results when i get to work and have a few minutes.
If I were doing this workout for the first time yesterday, I'd probably have done anchored sit-ups as well. The faster cycle time would have increased the metabolic impact. We only did them unanchored to replicate the last effort as closely as possible.
It's interesting that Shiloh and Jason both made such an impressive showing at the exercises they feel they need work on, Shiloh with pull-ups and Jason with sit-ups.
Great job everyone! Very good numbers across the board.
I think I actually managed 174 total reps, as the second round of situps should be 14 reps, rather than 16 reps.
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