Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"The spirit is willing,

but the flesh is spongy and bruised." - Zapp Brannigan

Those ladies have put a hurting on me, and it seems like a good day to do some maximum effort work.

Shoulder Press
3-3-3-3-3 Reps

Try to see how much weight you can lift in a 3 rep set. Do 5 sets, resting as needed between sets.

Seth: 155,165(2),160,165(2),160
Jason: 2xDBs @ 45,50,55,60(2),60(2)


SethHarder said...

Very frustrated with the workout today. Got so close, but couldn't quite lock out the third rep at 165#.

jason said...

either i'm way weaker than you guys in this exercise (which could very well be the case) or dumbells are just harder to lift.

results in #s per DB

having to clean them beforehand also sucked major. the good news there is i think my grandfather-in-law may be welding me a squat rack!! now i just NEED a barbell!

SethHarder said...

I'd imagine dumbbells would be quite a bit tougher on this exercise, even without having to clean them first.