"Bionic" 5 Rounds for time of:
- 5 Muscle-Ups
- 10 Handstand Push-Ups
- 15 DB Swings - 55#
20 Double-Unders10 Burpees
Justin - 21:07 as rx, bar M-U
Seth - 22:14 as rx, bar M-U, 60LB SWINGS OMG@!!!!
James - 34:33 mixed bar M-U and 3x pull-ups+dips
William - 4 rounds 34:24, 35lb swings, 2x assisted pull-ups+dips
Abby - 3 rounds 18:20 , 12lb swings, 2x assisted pull-ups+dips
Those MU and HSPU went OK the first round, but got really tough after that.
Not my best showing for this workout.
I FINISHED! Third time is apparently the charm for this one. However, I'm still pretty pissed that I had to substitute to finish those *%#&#*@%*ing muscleups. That workout really highlighed my upper body weaknesses, mainly in my currenlty aching tricepts. And I have a pretty red mark on my forehead from the HSPU's to prove it!
Way to push through, James. Doing dips before HSPU woulda had my triceptatops curlently aching too.
Yeah Justin, but your shoulders would be strong enough from holding up that mullet to overcome the extra dip work.
That's how you got that red mark on your head? You told me that some guy at the bar, who was jealous from the up and down looks you were getting from his woman, hit you over the head with a bottle. Apparently unfazed, you turn your head cinemax climactic sort of way towards the offender. Shortly after countering back with an evil glare you dropped his ass in 1.23 seconds. Sooo...that's not what happened?
I'm going to take the high road and not mention the red mark on Laura's head from whatever it was that she had to go do that was so much more important than being at the gym today.
Because I'm classy like that.
#1. They were "fuck me" looks - close but technically different than up an down looks.
#2. His ass dropped in .998 seconds.
#3. Mullet = not classy. Ever. Magnificent yes, but not classy.
I'm gla we got all that straight:)
I can't stop the bar scene from playing over and over in my head. I'm bringing my camera to the gym tomorrow. We must film this.
I do make good use of my lunch break. There is really only one thing that I will put before being at the gym and it begins with an S....
...SLEEP! I wasn't feeling well yesterday and needed a nap in order to make it through the rest of the work day.
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