"Bionic" 5 Rounds for time of:
- 5 Muscle-Ups
- 10 Handstand Push-Ups
- 15 DB Swings - 55#
20 Double-Unders10 Burpees

- James - 3 Rds in ~19:00, bar muscle-ups, toes-on-bar HSPU
- Seth - 20:53, bar muscle-ups
- Justin - 22:51, bar muscle-ups
- Melanie - 27:18, 3 X jumping pull-ups + bench dips for MU, decline push-ups, 40# swings, knee burpees
- Abby - 29:20, 3 X jumping pull-ups + bench dips for MU, knee push-ups, 30# swings, knee burpees
I was fighting a perfect storm today - soreness from starting back from a two week hiatus and a hangover from hell. I was plenty satisfied with three rounds. Maybe I'll finish bionic on my third try.
I was feeling good....until Thursday am when I tried to get out of bed.....my arms are sore!!
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