15-10-5 rep rounds of:
- 10lb Dumbbell Thrusters
- Burpees
- Air Squats
In "honor" of Navy Seaman Makimba Mimms, who was permanently disabled by this ruthless workout and is suing the CrossFit affiliate where he was tricked into performing this insanely difficult workout and suffered rhabdomyolysis as a result.
For time:
- 21 reps overhead squat @ 95lbs
- 42 Pull-ups
- 15 reps overhead squat @ 95lbs
- 30 Pull-ups
- 9 reps overhead squat @ 95lbs
- 18 Pull-ups
In honor (for real this time) of SSG Joshua Hager, United States Army, who was killed Thursday February 22 2007 in Ar Ramadi, Iraq.

First posted 26 February 2007
"Abdominal Demolition"
For time:
- 30 Knee to Elbow cycles (1 cycle - right knee to left elbow, both k to e, left knee to right elbow.)
- 30 Situp cycles (1 cycle - right elbow to left knee, both forward, left elbow to right knee.)
- 30 flutter kicks (1 rep - 4 kicks. ex: 1,2,3,one...1,2,3,two...etc. Keep legs locked out and toes up.)
- 30 mountain climbers (1 rep - 4 "moves". same as above: 1,2,3,one...1,2,3,two. focus on not rounding the back.)
Justin - 3:40
Seth - 3:49
Justin - 11:15
Seth - 13:50
"Abdominal Demolition"
Ran out of time - Did not attempt.
Meetings at work left me without adequate time to complete all three portions. It also meant that I had the fun of starting Josh with almost no rest after Makimba which sure contributed to the level of 'fun'.
6:27 for the makimba portion. holy smokes, i am OUT OF SHAPE. more to come...hopefully...
12:11 for josh. didn't have any weights for the OHSs so i just used a broomstick. i should've done 2x reps (or more) but didn' the result is quite skewed...
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