3 Rounds For Time:
- Row 500M (Sub: 45# SDLHP x 50)
- 50 Push-Ups
- 50 Sit-Ups
- 50 Double-Unders
- Darran - 22:45, sub SDLHP, 70# cable low-rows for push-ups, tuck jumps
- Seth - 23:20, sub SDLHP
- Jason - 28:33, sub SDLHP, tuck jumps
- James - alternate workout, see comments
- Justin - 28:05, 500m row, subbed tuck-jumps after round 1.

Justin's new toy
I last did this on 12/28/2007 in 28:08, so nearly 5 minutes faster today. I still detest sdlhps and push-ups. Managed to get the final set of 50 double-unders straight through. I was pretty pleased by that at least. I need to work on my push-ups.
28:33 for me. i was stunned at how weak my push-ups were in rds 2 and 3. totally unexpected. oh well. sub'd tuck jumps and sdlhps.
I did Why Would You Windmill? from 8/12/08 so I could play with my rings again.
It was AMRAP in 20 minutes:
12 Turkish Getup Mills (35# DBs, 6 reps each arm)
12 Ring Dips
12 Walking Lunges (50# DBs per hand)
3 rounds + 5 TGMs
I subbed 35# DBs for the walking lunges maily because there wasn't really room for two sets of DBs in my area. I definitely had my hands full, and it looks like you guys did too.
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