Monday, December 8, 2008

Just stay home

This has already been one of those Mondays that makes you wish you'd just stayed home. This workout routine may just serve to reinforce that sentiment.

"080811" - For Time:
10 GHD Sit-Ups
10 Hip & Back Extensions
30 Thrusters - 95#
50 Pull-Ups
30 GHD Sit-Ups
30 Hip & Back Extensions
20 Thrusters - 95#
35 Pull-Ups
50 GHD Sit-Ups
50 Hip & Back Extensions
10 Thrusters - 95#
20 Pull-Ups

Melanie - 24:36, sub 40# Thrusters, jumping pull-ups
Stephanie - ~27 min, sub atomic sit-ups, 30# thrusters, jumping pull-ups
Jennifer - 29:15, GHD/atomic sit-ups, 30# thrusters, jumping pull-ups
Seth - 27:57, 45# good mornings for back-ext rds 2&3
Jason - 36:46 + ~10 min "Pukey" break, atomic sit-ups, 45# good mornings
James - DNF(time): 2 rds + 20 GHD sit-ups in 30 minutes, sub 45# Thrusters

Note: Equipment contention caused some exercise substitutions, and I'm not entirely sure who did what exactly in what rounds. -Seth


jason said...

i didn't feel well going into this, but was hoping for the best. unfortunately, pukey got me after "round" 2. 36:46 + ~10 mins to get sick and recover = ~47 minutes. terrible, but i'm glad i finished.

jason said...

oh, and i subbed atomic situps for ghds and 45# good mornings for the back extensions.

James said...

I only had 30 minutes to workout today and I didn't even come close to finishing in that time. I finished 2 rounds plus around 20 GHD's by the time I had to quit. My only sub was on the thrusters - 45# instead of 95#. This was a tough workout. I'm guessing that I was in line for a 45 minute finish.