Monday, December 29, 2008

That looks kind of familiar

This workout was posted to the crossfit main site recently. Looks like a whole lot of 'fun'. It's actually been on the spreadsheet for a while, but haven't done it till today.

"081020" - AMRAP in 20 minutes:
5 Thrusters - 95#
7 Hang Powercleans - 95#
10 SDHLP - 95#

Jason - 5 Rds + HPCs
Seth - 8 Rds
Shane - 6 Rds + HPCs
Melanie - 7 Rds, sub 50#
James - 7 Rds + HPCs, sub 10 pull-ups for Thrusters, 10 GHD Sit-ups for SDHLP


jason said...

aimed for 10 rounds...and man i was WAAAY off. i really didn't expect this to be as hard as it was.

5 rds + HPCs

the sdlhps sure were tough...

SethHarder said...

That was tough. I was expecting 8 rounds, hoping for 10. First few rounds went well, but grip started failing on the HPCs and SDHLP.