Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What a jerk

Went to the gym early without letting people know, or even posting the workout.

Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5


Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5

This is a Maximum Effort (ME) workout, which means un-timed. Rest as needed between each set of five reps, approx 3-5 minutes. Use warm-up sets to approximate the amount of weight you can use for a 5 repetition set. Do all sets for Back Squats, then all sets for Bench Press.

  • Justin - 275,285,285,285,285
  • Seth - 275,285,285,285,285
  • Justin - 185,185,185,185,225(3)
  • Seth - 225,225,225,225,225(4)


SethHarder said...

One rep shy of getting my 5 sets of 5 reps @ 225 on bench. Should have rested just a bit more perhaps. Still a good workout, and nice change-of-pace from the high intensity stuff. That waiting between sets is hard.

James said...

I ended up doing the WOD from yesterday and it really kicked my ass. I've been increasing the workload on my knees in the past week and a half and they've been feeling good, so I decided to give the box jumps a try instead of substituting step-ups or something else with less impact. My tendons felt fine, but my legs were not conditioned nearly enough. The box jumps were roughly 18" instead of 24" and I used 135 on deadlift instead of 185.

I quit after finishing 20 pullups on my second round for a total time of 16:39. The cramps in my side seemed more powerful than my throbbing legs. I am completely humbled and feel the need for some kind of leg boot camp in the near future if my knees hold up.