Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Little Rock Gym Tour Continues…

Never got around to posting yesterday, so here it is today.

My friend Jonny was cool enough to sign me in as a guest yesterday to the UALR wellness center. There's a lot of traffic in and out of there, so a lot of the equipment is a little run down, and the shower facilities leave a little to be desired, but all things considered, it's not too bad. Certainly better than the Globogyms I've been going to. Not being settled in anywhere is making it a little hard to really get at it, so I took it a little bit lighter yesterday and did:

Four rounds of:

20 pull-ups

30 push-ups

40 sit-ups

50 squats


Then did a few light sets on bench @ 135, 155, and 185


Jonny Meyer said...

we need to start hitting the racquetball courts upstairs at the end of our workouts. Or perhaps pick a day or two in the week to come in after work and get in a second workout.

Justin said...

Racketball sounds like fun. Maybe A couple of days a week, we can do that as our workout, so we'll actually have time to get a game or two in.

It'll have to be in a month or so, though. I'm going to start swimming in the pool two days a week at least, and I've got a friend who's a swim coach who's going to come work with me.

Unfortunately, after work is a no-go for me. With the distance I have to drive to get home, I'm only seeing my wife and kids for 2-3hrs a night. I like you and all, but you know... ;-)