Thursday, January 10, 2008

Two days, no blog… catching up (Tuesday)

So Tuesday, I went to War Memorial to the gym there, it has a name, it's not important (Jim Daily, I think?) to see if it was suitable to my needs. It was not. It sucked a lot, actually, and for some reason the indoor pool area is kept at about 90 degrees all year round. I can only imagine how warm the water is. I'm told they do this because there's an old people swimming aerobics class and the old people bitch about it being cold. Anyway, I can't imagine trying to work out in a warm pool, breathing warm air. Let alone the problems I'd have thinking about the urine content of the water in a public pool when it's the temperature of actual urine.

So with the limited amount of freeweights at Jim Daily, I did:


Warm up:

Run .5mi, 2x10 of: push-up, pull-up, dip, sit-up, power clean @45lbs

Work out:

    2x5 Full Squat Clean and Press @ 95lbs

    10 Knees-to-bar    

2x5 Full Squat Clean and Press @ 115lbs

10 Knees-to-Bar

1x5 Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press @ 135lbs

1x5 Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press @ 155lbs

10 Knees-to-Bar


SethHarder said...

I go to the Bowman Fitness on Kanis & Bowman to do my cross-fit routines. Equipment is lacking, so I have to do a bit of exercise substitutions. You're welcome to join me sometime if you're in the area around lunch time.

Justin said...

Holy Crap, Seth! Email me. My address is my first name and my last name at gmail dotcom. I've been looking for you.