Thursday, January 22, 2009

Shock to the Chesticles

After months without touching it, this is the second workout this week to involve the bench press. At least today's prescription is for higher reps at lower weight than on Tuesday.

3 Rounds For Time:
  • 50 Double-Unders
  • 21 Bench Press - 135#
  • 15 Knees to bar
  • 9 Thrusters - 135#

  • Seth - 23:39
  • Justin - 31:45
  • James - 23:58, sub 1/8 mile elliptical for DU, 18 Box Jumps for Thrusters

Previous results


Justin said...

I shoulda done tuck jumps.

SethHarder said...

I shoulda have subbed a rest day.

You'll get the DUs eventually. But not if you sub TJs each time they come up.