"Tyler" - Five rounds for time of:
- 7 Muscle-ups
- 21 Sumo-deadlift high-pulls - 95 lbs

1LT Tyler E. Parten, 24, of Arkansas, died Sept. 10 in Konar province, Afghanistan, of wounds sustained when insurgents attacked his unit using rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire. He was assigned to the 3rd Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colorado.
- James - 23:40, 4 Rds, sub 3xPull-Ups & Dips for MU, 65# SDLHP
- Seth - 19:52, sub bar muscle-ups
Being out of practice on the muscle-ups and shoulder-injury concerns gave me all the excuses I needed to go slowly on the MU today. Tough workout even w/o pushing too fast.
21 pullups/21 dips/21 SDHP is a bitch! Four rounds was plenty for me.
I skipped the MUs because I really suck at those due to the fact that I've been doing chinups since day one as opposed to pullups. I've been doing chin-ups for two reasons: (1) because they were easier for me when I was starting and (2) because there is only one "straight bar" in the gym and it's impossible to do PULLups on the curved bar.
So, before I start to ramble and end up with an absurdly long post, I have decided to quit CHINups cold-turkey and start doing only PULLups! I've actually wanted to do this for a long time. It just took the embarassment of near-zero muscle-up skills to make it happen.
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