Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cindy Madrox…

Not sure if anyone will get the comic book reference or not. Today's workout will be multiples of Cindy, depending on your capacity:

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

    5 pull-ups
    10 push-ups
    15 squats

    10 pull-ups
    20 push-ups
    30 squats

Big Dogs
    15 pull-ups
    30 push-ups
    45 squats

Justin - 5 Rounds + Pull-ups (Big Dog)
Seth - 5 Rounds (Big Dog)
James - 4 Rounds + Pull-ups (Big Dog)
Jason - 3 Rounds in ~12 min (Big Dog)
Melanie - 3 Rounds + 13 Push-ups (Big Dog), sub jumping pull-ups, knee push-ups
Abby (Welcome!) - 10+ Rounds (Puppies), sub jumping pull-ups, knee push-ups


James said...

Oh Cindy! You wretched, wretched bitch!

Actually, today's Triple Cindy wasn't THAT bad. The additional reps slowed everything down enough that I wasn't hallucinating images of Pukey. The 30 pushups per round were surprisingly tough.

Justin said...

Man, I'm glad I didn't do monday's WOD, or I'd never have been able to stay ahead. Fortunately I was able to keep my lead with push-ups. Being the little guy pays off sometimes.

jason said...

3rds @ ~12min early this morning. temp in the garage? about 30. not too fun.