Friday, September 5, 2008

Process of elimination

Each repetition you complete is one less you have left to do. It may take a lot of small sets to complete this one (new to us) from the CrossFit HQ.

"080815" - 50,40,30,20,10 Rep rounds For Time:
Ring Dips

Jason - 33:02, bar dips
Seth - 24:47 (on 9/8)


jason said...

33:02. sub'd bar dips but not 2-to-1 because 1: i've been having elbow issues this week and 2: that's just too many dips.

SethHarder said...

Good job Jason. I didn't get a chance to do this one till today. I'd expected it to get easier as the rep #s dropped, but the first 3 rounds all took around the same amount of time. I forget the breakdown, but total was 24:47.
Arms are a bit raw from the straps on my rings. That was a lot of ring dips.