Monday, September 22, 2008

Somewhat short of heroic

Time constraints and lack of courage (at least for me) have us repeating this workout without the full heroic prescription of full squats on the DB snatches.

"Joshie" - 3 Rounds for Time
40# DB (Power) Snatch x 21 reps - right arm
21 L-Pull-Ups
40# DB (Power) Snatch x 21 reps - left arm
21 L-Pull-Ups

Seth - 22:26
Jason - 29:42
Shiloh - 7:25, 1 round


jason said...

29:42. too quite a bit longer than last time...not sure what's up with that...all i know is that the LPUs were hard and my forearms are toast.

SethHarder said...

That was way too many L-Pull-ups. Got hard to hold onto the bar and the DBs by the end as the grip started to fail.

Shiloh said...

I didn't have much energy and had a ton of papers to grade, but wanted to do something.

So, I did one round in 7:25
I was doing L-pull ups 2 at a time at the end. I'm sure my other rounds would have been slower.