Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Familiar Foe

We suffered through this one most recently in March.

"Painstorm I" - For Time:
10 Pull-Ups
10 DB Swings @55lbs
10 Push-Ups
Run 200M (.13mi)
20 Pull-Ups
20 DB Swings @55lbs
20 Push-Ups
Run 400M (.25mi)
40 Pull-Ups
40 DB Swings @55lbs
40 Push-Ups
Run 800M (.5mi)


The Virus (Laura): 19:17(pr), sub chest-to-bar jumping pull-ups, 25# swings
James: 20:40(pr), as Rx'd
Seth: 21:36, sub 50/100/200 Double-Unders for running


James said...

Every time someone tries to push hard and beat Laura it makes them sick. Case in point - me today. So I have officially named her...The Virus!

Japaleno said...

Don't you have to "catch" a virus to get sick?

Probably could have up'd the weight a little on the dumbbell swings. I did all sets without breaks. The pull-ups were hardest for me. I was doing sets of 5 and 3 on most of them.

SethHarder said...

First workout in the garage!

Not a PR performance. Excuses, please pick one: Heat, awkward DBs, low pull-up bar, bad sub.
Yeah, 30/60/120 DU would have been PLENTY. Took almost 5 min on the set of 200 to end things.
Time for supper now.