...cause a painstorm's a comin! We did this one last in December and I remember it living up to it's dreary name.
Use two dumbbells which together total ½ your bodyweight. Using them, do:
5 Weighted Pull-Ups
3 Man-Makers
10 Pressing Snatch Balance - Left
3 Man-Makers
15 Step Ups - Left
3 Man-Makers
20 Power Snatch - Left
3 Man-Makers
25 OH Walking Lunge steps - Left
3 Man-Makers
30 KB Swings - Both hands
3 Man-Makers
25 OH Walking Lunge steps - Right
3 Man-Makers
20 Power Snatch - Right
3 Man-Makers
15 Step Ups - Right
3 Man-Makers
10 Pressing Snatch Balance - Right
3 Man-Makers
5 Weighted Pull-Ups
Use both DB for man makers, one single DB for the rest.
James: 25:50, 40# DBs
1 comment:
I did this one in January at 10Fitness. My last results were with 35# DBs, unweighted step ups, 26:30.
I gave myself a little bit of help on rounding to find the right DB weight. 177/4=44.25...so I rounded down to 40 instead of up to 45 and man, I couldn't imagine doing that WOD with anything heavier. Plus my tendonitis in my shoulder started flaring up again. I guess its from all of the pressing we've done this week.
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